Ziggystyles's Articles » Page 6
May 9, 2005 by Ziggystyles
Ok well I said back a few months ago that I was going to the Cardiologist...but I never really mentioned what happened from those tests. I did the echocardiogram and the stress test as well as wearing a halter monitor for a day. The stress test...I didnt really care for that. Not as bad as I thought...but it wasnt what I was expecting either. Wasnt expecting an incline and my mouth was so dry...it was driving me nuts...she didnt really seem to get my hints that Id like some water and Id b...
April 22, 2005 by Ziggystyles
I have a degree in broadcasting. I had lots of training and the college I attended is considered one of the best for broadcasters...and I have a passion for radio...still do to this day even though I havent been on air in a few years. After I graduated...I started becoming more aware of the radio stations that were out there. I soon came to realize that with all of the big name radio station companies buying up smaller ones...theres less and less real radio stations out there. Real meanin...
April 7, 2005 by Ziggystyles
Well two posts ago...I wondered what was wrong with me...couldnt figure it out...had panic attacks and the like and it just was a thing that constantly bothered me. After going to the Cardiologist and doing some tests...he said I was fine... Stress test: I completed 10 minutes of that...90% of the test...he said this was good and he was very happy I got that done. Echocardiogram: This turned out fine too...cept my heart is a little thicker than normal...should be 1cm thick at the wall...
February 22, 2005 by Ziggystyles
For most of us...those who are dating, or married (or whatever else turns your crank)...we do something that really ticks the significant other off. Some people take a hour and a day in the shower...some take just as long getting ready...some people get pissed because the other person doesnt put the cap back on the toothpaste. For me...its tickling. I dont know why. Its not that I hate to be tickled...but Marcie hates it...drives her nuts...pissed her off, makes her mad...annoys the h...
February 8, 2005 by Ziggystyles
About a year ago...I had some dinner and after a while...i got dizzy for a couple seconds and my heart rate just shot through the roof like crazy. After about a half hour or so...I told marcie we needed to go to the clinic. On the way there, we called, and they said to go to the Emergency room. So we did, turned around and headed right there. I felt like I was going to throw up...just felt weird. I checked in and was surpirsed that I had to wait...but after a while...I went in and t...
February 2, 2005 by Ziggystyles
Well Im listening to some Switchfoot on my headset, and Im thinking back...to how I have a whole bunch of songs on my old computers hard drive...which I have yet to move over and how I miss those songs. Im in one of those moods now while listening that I feel somewhat invincable...like the best mood ever. When I listen to Christian Rock radio...I am brought back to my one main passion in my life, outside of Marcie. I dont mean Praise and worship stuff, which although I love...Im not tot...
January 31, 2005 by Ziggystyles
Texas Wahine, here on JU, posted this the other day and Marcie (JU: MarcieHelen) mentioned it yesterday to me and how it was soo right. Oh for the petes sake of the guy upstairs. This isnt a flame to TW...dont want it to seem that way...just a general article, in which Im using her words. Lets shoot this down faster then a Redneck and a squirrel. "A woman would get up with me in the morning and start breakfast while I dressed the kids or vice versa." Why would anyone want to wake u...
January 31, 2005 by Ziggystyles
I love JU...but Im getting frustrated with something and dont know who to ask or where to get the info I need because there is no help area, at least that I can find, on JU. While signed in...I cant reply to posts. Whenever I reply to a post, it is when I type in, in the anonymous box. While signed in, I never have the option of adding a comment. Does anyone else have this happen to them?
January 30, 2005 by Ziggystyles
So I went up to Costco today to get some meat and hot dog buns. On the way out..I handed the cashier my Costco card, paid, took my reciept and left. All without being acknowledged by the cashier. She did the entire transaction without saying hello, or thanks. I mean...its not that she was shy...she was just too busy talking to her coworker about whatever to notice a person on the other of the conveyor belt. Then on the way out...the same thing happened. Their people they have at the ...
January 22, 2005 by Ziggystyles
So Marcie and I recently bought a brand new motorcycle. 2005 Honda GL1800. Cost = Alot. This thing has been the bane of our existence lately because while I pay for the bike, bike insurance, and storage...Marcie ends up paying more than her share of the rest of the bills....at least this month she did. Lately...we have been very close to being broke...and I have about 20 bucks for the next three days. I think she saves her money more wisely than I do...at least she is putting stuff aw...
January 8, 2005 by Ziggystyles
A while back...I bought a new motorcycle....a 05 Honda GL1800...AKA: Goldwing. One of the things I have been planning on doing is getting new helmets and installing a integrated sound system into the helmets. This way, I can hear music...talk to my co-rider (Marcie....JU - marciehelen), and talk on the CB to other bikers / travelers. I recently found out that I dont have a CB installed in my bike. This threw me off because I thought I had a CB. I have all the controls on the left...
January 8, 2005 by Ziggystyles
I had a post a while back, about evolution in schools and how I think that creationism should be included as it is as much of a theory as evolution is. Well I got flames left and right from people about how I shouldnt be teaching certain things in school...blah blah blah. Along with some of the more colorful replies and other articles I have read here, along with things I have seen and heard through my years...I have come to one conclusion about when it comes to people and their beliefs...
December 21, 2004 by Ziggystyles
Im sorry for those of you who live in Las Vegas, or somewhere in the middle of the desert....but this might offend... There is no way, ever that I would consider Las Vegas my home. First off...its in the middle of a barren wasteland of a desert. After you stay in LV for a few months, you realize what kind of city it is. People often move there...but lots of people move out as well, despite the growing size of the city. They are going through teachers there like crazy. They had to hire...
December 4, 2004 by Ziggystyles
Monday, we had a regular day of school. But for the rest of the week, we had conferences. Those students who came to school for Kindergarten came to school in the morning for one hour each. The student still needed to come to school this week for academic reasons...but not to my classroom as I had conferences all day from Tuesday through Friday. For some dumb reason, my first conferences had my more challenging parents. I dotn know why i scheduled them that way. Overall my conferenc...
November 28, 2004 by Ziggystyles
Well I was going to write a big ol blog about the bad parts of our trip....but whats the point of just writing negative stuff....or mostly negative stuff. My girlfriend Marcie (JU: MarcieHelen) and I live in Las Vegas...and we wanted to go somewhere else for Thanksgiving since we are so far away from family anyways. She had the idea of going to San Diego a few months ago and thats where we went. We ended up staying at a Ramada over there....paying wayyyy toooo much for a Thanksgiving bu...