Ziggystyles's Articles In Travel
July 25, 2004 by Ziggystyles
Well another day has passed...Marcie and I took our first Sunday ride with my bike group. I belong to the Gold Wing Road Riders Association which is the worlds largest Gold Wing group. I dont really remember how the association is broken up...but there are regions, districts, and chapters. I am a member of Chapter V in the Fargo, ND / Moorhead, MN area. Back home in Hibbing, MN, I was a member of Chapter I. Anywho...I wont get into the details of the group.....at least in this post, haha...
August 1, 2004 by Ziggystyles
11:30 here, should be sleeping but I took a nap earlier and dont feel tired yet. This weekend was fun. Marcie and I ended up getting an award for the youngest riders to the rally and my bike won second place in the "GL1000-1100-1200 Stock-Custom-Show" category. That was a little tricky and I had to do some investigating because they didnt announce my name at the event, turns out there was a mix-up so we got it all figured out. I went up against a few other bikes, not too sure how many...
January 8, 2005 by Ziggystyles
A while back...I bought a new motorcycle....a 05 Honda GL1800...AKA: Goldwing. One of the things I have been planning on doing is getting new helmets and installing a integrated sound system into the helmets. This way, I can hear music...talk to my co-rider (Marcie....JU - marciehelen), and talk on the CB to other bikers / travelers. I recently found out that I dont have a CB installed in my bike. This threw me off because I thought I had a CB. I have all the controls on the left...
July 30, 2004 by Ziggystyles
Hell all, Well its almost 11pm here in Marshall, MN. Marcie (joeuser: Marciehelen) are here this weekend for a bike Rally. MN, ND, and SD all combine and form a tri-state rally which takes place somewhere different every year. This year, Marshall...last year, Fargo, then somewhere else, then Sioux Falls. Its nice to be able to go to these different towns that I probably would never go to, to see. We havent really gone outside of the town since we have been here except for once, so...