makes you wonder, makes you think.
Published on November 7, 2004 By Ziggystyles In Democrat
Ok, I could go on about how depressed I got when I found out we get to keep George for another four years...but we somehow managed to get by on the last what the heck.

My question is, who do you think will be the next Prez? I havent really seen much talk from either party. Some Dems say Edwards, some say Hillary..etc. that leaves me wondering...could she really make it?

I dont know how not to get flames on this one. If you answer...try not to answer based on your feelings for the Dem or Rep party...well you can if you want I guess. Im just asking you to think and answer if you think that she could get elected Prez in 2008. Not based on party affiliations or anything like that, but based you think she has enough support and popularity to actually get the spot?

There are a number of reasons Im asking. One is....mainly I havent posted something for a while and this was the first thing that came to mind. Second...she would be the first female president. Im wondering if she might actually be able to pull it off and get elected.

Im wondering if America is getting closer to the point where we might actually elect a female or black president. I would hope that we are getting closer. I think we are more likely to elect a female than a black person...but to me, electing either would be a step in the right direction for both.

Ok my post doesnt really have a good ending...but its 2am....cant think clearly. But...what do you think. Do you think that she could get elected or not...why?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 07, 2004
No, Hillary can't win (PLEASE don't nominate her!!!!) She is too polarizing a figure to get elected. Some people hate her for being Mrs. Clinton, she's too liberal for the South and the Republicans would bury her on the failed health care task force she ran. They only plus I can see is she has charisma, which Kerry and Gore avoided like the plague.
We need a candidate who can win - JUST SAY NO to Hillary.
on Nov 07, 2004

Republicans would bury her on the failed health care task force

no double-jeopardy protection against being buried twice for the same task force?

on Nov 07, 2004
Hillary, Edwards and any Democratic from the State of Massachusetts.....No. Democratics need a centrist from the south.
on Nov 07, 2004
Domestic & external factors may change things dramatically over the next 3 years (crystal balls have almost always been wrong - remember how convinced the Dems were in 2000 that George was a lock to be one-&-gone), but it's hard for me to envision any set of circumstances that would make Hillary an attractive candidate in 2008, in the sense that she could lead the party out of the depths of despair and win over the moderates among the Republicans and independents. Whatever your personal feelings about her, she is inextricably associated with the philosophy of more government as the solution to our problems.

She's never demonstrated an ability to devise innovative or efficient solutions to problems, preferring to throw more money or more elaborate regulations at them, and has pretty much demonstrated her lack of faith in the private sector to solve problems. Remember, too, how many of the Clintonistas were at the center of Kerry's campaign (McAuliffe, Carvill, etc.). Unless she is willing to abandon the staff who have supported her all along & put on a fresh political face, she's going to look like a representative of the same tired old Democrat ways that have fallen into political disfavor. The only smart thing she did was avoid being out front in the hatefest of vindictive Bush-bashing.

Even the ardent Democrats I'm acquainted with blanche & screw up their faces when I mention her name (strangely, more of my close friends are Dems than Republcans), so I think an awful lot would have to change for her to have even a remote chance.

on Nov 07, 2004
Short answer, no. She is a terrible public speaker and will galvanize her opposition.
on Nov 07, 2004
Ok well two out of five isnt bad. Reminds me of Kindergarten when I give directions and nobody follows them.

I wasnt asking for political opinions...because people would go off and thats exactly what happened.

Now, the question you think that Hillary could possibly be elected. Not based on your own political opinions and dreams...but just do you simply think that she could possibly get elected.

Also...someone the other day in the news made the point of how the Dem party isnt really failing...its just that the Rep Party is managing to take over Dem ideas. That is why it is having problems. Republicans are managing to get into territory that was once deemed very Democrat. I hear people mocking the Dem party...but whats the point when your own Rep party is taking ideas and stances that were once in the territory of the Dems? The Dems havent changed their stands.
on Nov 07, 2004
Also...someone the other day in the news made the point of how the Dem party isnt really failing...its just that the Rep Party is managing to take over Dem ideas. That is why it is having problems. Republicans are managing to get into territory that was once deemed very Democrat. I hear people mocking the Dem party...but whats the point when your own Rep party is taking ideas and stances that were once in the territory of the Dems? The Dems havent changed their stands.

Then what the hell is that?

Sorry to have cluttered your blog with reasons for my answer. Typical Dem, insulting his guests.

I'll try again.


on Nov 07, 2004
...she would be the first female president. Im wondering if she might actually be able to pull it off and get elected.

I think you could expect the Republican Nominee to be Colin Powell is she were nominated.
on Nov 07, 2004
Hillary can't make it. A freshman senator from northeast state? No way. Look back, when is the last time a senator got elected to be a president? When is the last time a northeastern got elected?

Also...someone the other day in the news made the point of how the Dem party isnt really failing...its just that the Rep Party is managing to take over Dem ideas. That is why it is having problems. Republicans are managing to get into territory that was once deemed very Democrat. I hear people mocking the Dem party...but whats the point when your own Rep party is taking ideas and stances that were once in the territory of the Dems? The Dems havent changed their stands.

Wrong! If Democrats do not even know their history and simply listen to someone on TV so that they can be brain-washed, then there is no help. Look, the major differences between Democrat ideas and Republican ideas had been between: social/wearefare government (remember FDR's New Deal?) versus small government (Goldwater and Reagan), working class (Unions and blue-collar workers) versus middle class (small businesses). This is why the old Democrat Party is a union based party and the old Republican party was a business based party. Now, honesty ask yourself for the past decades presidential election? Was it the Republican candiates start talking more about social government, social saftey net and Unions right? Or was it the Democrat candidates talking about small government and middle class interest? Clinton has talked about his view of small governments, and Clinton, Gore and Kerry talked about middle class interests more than labor unions. They don't even mention unions anymore. So which party is stealing ideas from which?

By the way, as today, 2/3 of Republicans are willing to call themselves conservatives but only 1/3 of Democrats describe themselves as liberal. There is a movement for Democrats to be more like Republicans, not the other way.
on Nov 07, 2004
Reminds me of Kindergarten when I give directions and nobody follows them.

I wasnt asking for political opinions...because people would go off and thats exactly what happened.

I was going to respond to this post until you went all school marm on the thread. Lighten up. Sheesh.

on Nov 07, 2004


It is their self denial again.  I was going to say that Hillary just could not win due to the EC, but several have mentioned that.  She would be a shoe in for the nomination due to name recognition, but as anotehr pointed out, she has already lost in the EC.

Nominate Lieberman or even a MW governor.  Forget the Sens and reps.  They wont win.

on Nov 07, 2004
Nominate Lieberman or even a MW governor. Forget the Sens and reps. They wont win

on Nov 07, 2004
No Hillary, no way.
on Nov 07, 2004
I think the Democrats always think the problem is the their candidates. No the problem is the messages, not the messagers. Kerry failuare cannot explain why the republicans gain seats in Senate and in House and governorship. This is historical. It is the first time since FDR era that a reelected president also has his party gains seats. The problem is not just the democratic candidates, but the democratic messagers.

I like to link a very thoughful article annouced by the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC):

David Border a liberal columnist also wrote a wonderful piece:
on Nov 07, 2004
I think the Democrats always think the problem is the their candidates. No the problem is the messages, not the messagers. Kerry failuare cannot explain why the republicans gain seats in Senate and in House and governorship. This is historical. It is the first time since FDR era that a reelected president also has his party gains seats. The problem is not just the democratic candidates, but the democratic messagers.

I like to link a very thoughful article annouced by the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC):

David Border a liberal columnist also wrote a wonderful piece:
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