makes you wonder, makes you think.
Published on November 7, 2004 By Ziggystyles In Democrat
Ok, I could go on about how depressed I got when I found out we get to keep George for another four years...but we somehow managed to get by on the last what the heck.

My question is, who do you think will be the next Prez? I havent really seen much talk from either party. Some Dems say Edwards, some say Hillary..etc. that leaves me wondering...could she really make it?

I dont know how not to get flames on this one. If you answer...try not to answer based on your feelings for the Dem or Rep party...well you can if you want I guess. Im just asking you to think and answer if you think that she could get elected Prez in 2008. Not based on party affiliations or anything like that, but based you think she has enough support and popularity to actually get the spot?

There are a number of reasons Im asking. One is....mainly I havent posted something for a while and this was the first thing that came to mind. Second...she would be the first female president. Im wondering if she might actually be able to pull it off and get elected.

Im wondering if America is getting closer to the point where we might actually elect a female or black president. I would hope that we are getting closer. I think we are more likely to elect a female than a black person...but to me, electing either would be a step in the right direction for both.

Ok my post doesnt really have a good ending...but its 2am....cant think clearly. But...what do you think. Do you think that she could get elected or not...why?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 07, 2004
From your article:
Do you think that she could get elected or not...why? (emphasis mine)

Reminds me of Kindergarten when I give directions and nobody follows them.I wasnt asking for political opinions...because people would go off and thats exactly what happened.

You might want to re-read your own article before getting your knickers in a wad.


on Nov 07, 2004
Wrong! If Democrats do not even know their history and simply listen to someone on TV so that they can be brain-washed, then there is no help. Look, the major differences between Democrat ideas and Republican ideas had been between: social/wearefare government (remember FDR's New Deal?) versus small government (Goldwater and Reagan), working class (Unions and blue-collar workers) versus middle class (small businesses). This is why the old Democrat Party is a union based party and the old Republican party was a business based party. Now, honesty ask yourself for the past decades presidential election? Was it the Republican candiates start talking more about social government, social saftey net and Unions right? Or was it the Democrat candidates talking about small government and middle class interest? Clinton has talked about his view of small governments, and Clinton, Gore and Kerry talked about middle class interests more than labor unions. They don't even mention unions anymore. So which party is stealing ideas from which?

Reagan was for small government? His deficits were the standard of the time until the Bush's totally obliterated his records. Typical Republican, he shifted the blame to Democrats even though they passed his agenda.
on Nov 07, 2004
Ok my post doesnt really have a good ending...but its 2am....cant think clearly.

Answered the question for you. I'll cut you some slack.

on Nov 07, 2004
Reagan was for small government? His deficits were the standard of the time until the Bush's totally obliterated his records. Typical Republican, he shifted the blame to Democrats even though they passed his agenda.

No offense, whoman. How old are you anyway? You sound like a little kid who has never lived before Reagan or at least never read anything before Reagan. If you don't read the article I response to, then nothing will make sense to you. My article was responsed to someone who claimed that the Republicans stole more Democrats idea than the other way, which is untrue. Because the idea of small government is not from Democratic Party. The idea of promoting business and middle class was not Democratic. More importantly, I am unsure why you were talking about (Reagan) deficits for? Are you confused national debt with government size? They are not the same thing for the sake of god. You can decrease government size and run a deficit. Sometime I feel so tired to write to Democrats because I have to explain everything. Reagan in fact is a small government president when you look at this social agenda. Prior to Reagan the top income tax rate is 70%, and he eventually cut down to 28%. Now, of course, both George H. W. Bush and Clinton has raised the income tax by small amount to 35%. However, if you think his tax cut is so bad, why didn't Clinton raise it back to 70%. Because no sane person would do such a thing. Kerry has talked about tax increase for the richest, but he dare not to claim anything as higher than even 50%. It was Reagan who convinced people that 70% income tax actually decrease total government revenue as such a high rate would inevitably discourage private investment and consumer spending. Many people have doubt at first, but now we seen the 70% income tax era and the 30% one. No republicans nor democrats will ever want to go back to the old days. So, again, isn't it the democrats who borrow the idea of 30-40% income tax from Repubicans? If not, why didn't Clinton or Kerry propose a 70% income tax or even anything above 45%? Why do they stick with the low income tax idea from Reagan?

Reagan increased national defense spending but decreased warefare system and domestic spendings. So he is in fact a small government president, unless you have some whack defintion.
on Nov 07, 2004
I don't know...frankly...I don't think Hillary would ever get elected.

I think her lack of experience and her gender are definitely two strikes against her.

on Nov 07, 2004
I view is she will never be elected.

It is the Hate factor. I read an article in an early 2003 magazine (can't remember which) that said when a poll was taken and the question was "How do you feel about Hillary Clinton?" The options were Hate, dislike, neutral, like, Love. 34% of the people polled said that they hated her. In my mind, that means there is no way that they would even entertain the idea of voting for her. The poll never said what party these 34% was.

I think if a candidate must write off 34% of the electorate before the campaigning starts. Then they will not win.

That's My Two Cents
on Nov 08, 2004
OK...that last post of mine on Sunday was by my girlfriend, Marcie (ju: Marciehelen), not me.

It is possible to state why or why not you think someone can get elected, without going into a political tirade...that is what I was aiming for.

Daiwa...your post was fine.

For example:
I think she could get elected. Could being the main word here. I think she has a strong name recognition, she has most of the same views as Bill had...which got him elected. She sends out a message, at least to me, that she is a strong person, not willing to back down or anything. There are a bunch of other reasons I think she could get elected...but Im not going to get into it right now...have to get ready for work.

I dont look at polls too seriously...depends on who takes the polls and how they are worded. I could make a poll and have it come out that 89% of people hate breathing.
on Nov 08, 2004
Democrats will nominate Hillary. You really have no other choice. The only Democrat with enough clout the bend the nomination to his will is Bill Clinton, and you know who he supports.

While Hillary represents New York, she is really from Arkansas.

Expect the new Hillary to be hawkish on defense and more conservative on social values. Hillary will be anti-gay marriage, and more seriously than Kerry.
on Nov 08, 2004
Hillary - yes she could make it (Personally I think she could make it, but also who can predict the nominee 4 years in advance unless they are the incumbent? I think depending on the circumstances and events of the next 4 years nearly anyone could get the nomination)

How about Barack Obama (2012 or 2016?)?
on Nov 08, 2004
No offense, whoman. How old are you anyway? You sound like a little kid who has never lived before Reagan or at least never read anything before Reagan.

So if you don't support what Reagan did then you are a little kid? I am 41 years old.

Small government, big deficits, got it. Nope doesn't make sense.
on Nov 08, 2004
Evan Bayh or another figure that can carry the Midwest would be best for the Democratic Party and the best choice would be a moderate or conservative Democrat, since most of America is moderate or conservative, it would be a failed venture to stick with non-moderate candidates.

IMO Plinko!!
on Nov 08, 2004

George Bush was re-elected because he was able to energize his base.  I think that Hillary has the same capacity to energize her base.

So I am thinking that if Hillary gets nominated, we'll have another election year of divisive politics.  I think that Hillary would have less of a chance to win against a moderate Republican than against a hardliner.  Of course we'd have to imagine the Republicans nominating a moderate.  I doubt that'll happen.

on Nov 08, 2004
Of course we'd have to imagine the Republicans nominating a moderate. I doubt that'll happen.

Oh yes, we all know how McCain is hardliner, be reasonable here, think outside the box if you have to.

Dems nominate a hardliner, the Reps will answer back with a Moderate it is that simple.

- Plinko Pope Grimmy Grim Grimster X the 49th
on Nov 09, 2004
no double-jeopardy protection against being buried twice for the same task force?

Nope. As we saw with teh Bush National Guard Story.
on Nov 09, 2004
Now, the question you think that Hillary could possibly be elected. Not based on your own political opinions and dreams...but just do you simply think that she could possibly get elected.

As much as I dislike her, I honestly have to answer yes. But for it to happen, the next 4 years needs to go into the toilet so that the democrats can blame the Republicans. Ths is aobut a 50/50 proposition.

Second, Hillary has to position herself in the middle, and become a moderator in the very partisan senate. I give that one about a 75/35 split, for it happening.

So, Yes, I can see her winning. I hope not, but then we had Slick Willy for 8 years, and a dozen molestted women.
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