This is sort of a branch off of my post yesterday about student accountability. One thing I have been thinking about is cell phones...well that and student usage of marijuanna. Pretty much, seperate things, but still.
One thing I see alot nowadays are cell phones in school. The school I work at has a cell phone policy, in that cell phones are not allowed on campus. Students ignore the policy and bring them anyways, sometimes flat out refusing to turn them over to administration.
I absolutely do not feel that cell phones belong in school because of many reasons:
1. They aren't needed. Any student that needs to be contacted can be contacted through the office, in case of emergency.
2. Text messages are often sent between students in the class (cheating can happen), between a student in and out of school...etc.
3. students play games on them
I guess I have no problem if a student brings their cell phone to school and shuts it off before getting on campus and then turning it on when they leave...but I just don't feel it needs to be on during the day.
If there is an emergency, the school has ways to deal with them such as calling tv and radio stations to inform them (in case of a situation like a bomb threat). The school has phones that the students themselves can use if they need to contact a parent.
Marijuanna usage is another concern I have. I don't know...I heard about its usage and knew some people that smoked it and stuff when I was in high school, but seems rampant.
Lets keep in mind that it is currently illegal, because I don't want to get into a legality debate on it. With the fact that it is illegal...what should happen when a teen gets busted with the drug or paraphenallia? I talked a police officer recently and he talked about how the courts hardly hand out a punishment anymore for such cases unless its more extreme like cocaine or meth. I don't think that is right. I believe that since it is illegal, students should be held accountable for the choices they make when it comes to getting busted with smoking or possession and they should have some sort of reasonable punishment. I don't believe they should get away with it.
What do you think about these two issues?