Well today, I managed to get my big ol room all cleaned up and checked out. I handed in the keys to the office staff; checked off everything I could. I had various support staff check off requirements, saying I was ok to leave. And then I left. Felt weird.
It felt weird looking in my room, nothing like what it did a week earlier. It felt weird when I went to bed and already couldnt immediately pull up an image of the classroom. Felt weird knowing I wouldnt see my kids again for a long time, if ever.
This Thursday was our last day of school with the kiddos. I had both classes in my room in the morning and it was hectic as I had things that I wanted to pass out, that werent ready to be passed out. Then they left. I didnt cry or even break a tear. Seemed as if it was a regular Friday and they were coming back next week.
Now that school is out...Marcie and I have the whole summer. What are we going to do? Hmm...I dont know. She is going home for two weeks. I need some extra $$ so Ill be working when I can as a substitute teacher. Im hoping to work everyday but Im not sure if that will happen as I dont know if the need for subs is as great as it is during the regular year.
Lots of teachers say that they love having the summer off. I do too. I think its great. With all the schooling and training, the kids...parents...etc., the summer makes up for it. But I dont know if I could manage by not working. Id like to not work...but I think Id go nuts sitting around.