You are against it....until something happens to you.
I had to put in my topic...either Dem, Rep, or International. Im not really any of them...although Id have to say that for this topic...I am leaning towards Democrat.
Stem Cell reserach. As if we haven't flipping heard enough of that lately. I dont know what your view points are...and you probably have your own reasons. I originally was against stem cell research...the whole life being destroyed thing. Then I thought about it.
Scientists left and right are coming up with new ways to handle things...various medications...etc. The types of drugs we consume can come from the weirdest of places, that some people might have never thought of before. With that in mind...the cures for many of the current ailments of the world could be right under our noses and we wouldnt even know.
Here is my new thought on stem cell research.
I am still against it, but I am also for it. I don't like the idea of having to destroy a life (no matter how small of a human life it is) in order to do somethign with what remains. But if that process can possibly lead to cures for diseases, paralysies, and various other things...then in a sense...I think its all right to do that. Im not really ok with the idea...but if we can get some cures for things using that process, I dont see why we shouldnt go that route and try to find a cure.
I have a couple of friends in is a God-fearing tatoo wearing, pierced, motorcycle riding (true!) christian. He is one of the most intense people you would ever meet, always in a good mood. He works out every day to keep his muscles up. I asked him once why he doesnt have a ramp for his van and he told me...that God still lets him use his arms. I have another friend who...well I knew him for a while anways...he was a quadrapaledgic (sp)...only able to move his head. I think of the daily routines that both of them must live through. I dont know about you, but I wouldnt want to trade....I mean yes...Id love to see them standing and moving around, but at the same time, I wouldnt want to take their place.
Lots of times, we arent really for things until something happens to us. We might not be for "against drunk driving" programs, until one of our relatives gets killed by a drunk driver. We might not be for gun control, until someone we know gets shot. We dont wear a seat belt until after we get into an accident. When things like those happen to us...we then turn around and become advocates for the cause.
I believe that this is what happened to Christopher Reeves. As far as I know (havent really researched it either), he never stood out for people who had medical concerns...until he became paralyzed. When that happened, he spent much of his time fighting for research to be done to help people like him walk again. Are you for Stem Cell research...or against it. Could you honestly say that if you are against it, and were suddenly paralyzed, that you would still be against research that could possibly cure the problem? Would you want to have a shorter life span...stuck in a chair for the rest of your life, knowing that a cure might be out there, but people arent doing anything about it?
Like I said before, I dont think Stem Cell research is a good idea...but if there is a chance that people could be cured of their major problems and afflictions...then I think that for now...we should study and research them.