Gotta love the DMV!
Published on September 26, 2007 By Ziggystyles In Life Journals
So here I am, tryin to get a job. I already have one...pending my passing training and such. My recruiter for the company I am signed on with called me today as she pulled official drivers records. This was about 9am.

She called to tell me that NV was taking a while to get back and WY showed up as clear. MN showed my ticket from this past March. MN also showed up as a ticket that was still pending back in NV.

So I call NV, NV says my record is clear. I call MN, MN says my record is clear. Lovely, so I call my recruiter back to tell her, and it still shows up from MN as having an issue when she pulls my record. Basically, I got a ticket for failure to Obey back in August of 04 in Vegas while I still had my MN license...first day down tehre in Vegas.

So I call a few places in MN and MN can't figure out what Im talking about because the ticket was from NV. Well NV is clear, but it was reported to MN, and that is where the issue lies. One of the gal gets so mad with me telling her the issue is in MN, that she wants the number of my recruiter. They play phone tag and some how the recruiter is able to show her that yes, it really does exist.

I get a call back from the recruiter who tells me this and says that if I was able to get hold of the courts in NV and get a copy of the reciept, that should work.

I spent the better part of an hour on the phone this afternoon as well trying to get someone to pull up a record. Called quite a few many numbers that I really lost track. Finally was able to get hold of someone who didn't sound too confident, but was able to pull it up anyways. She said that yes, it had been paid, was able to print it out and fax it to me where I then sent it off to the recruiter. Hopefully that should work.

So apparently, I have something that is coming up on my DAC report, that says regarding MN, I have a pending NV ticket. But at the same time, MN and NV both say everything is fine. Kind of sucks when the DAC report is what the companies go by. Not even sure how to get the issue taken care of...will have to look into it further.

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