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Ziggystyles Web Blog
Rest in Peace Dusty...
Tough Little Furball
Published on June 19, 2007 By
Just got online tonight and saw an email from my mom (wish she called)...she told me that our cat Dusty put to sleep. Shes back in Northern MN and Im in southern WY. But we talked the other day and she said she was going to bring him in today because he simply hasnt been eating at all and was really boney. Hes always been a skinny cat...about ten pounds or so and on the longer side I guess. Apparently when she took him to the vet, the vet felt huge tumors in his spleen and figured they were probably elsewhere and she decided it was best just to put him down.
Dusty is...well Im not sure how old he was actually. I have a Dog that was born in 94 and I thought dusty was a year or two older than that...so he was at least 13 years old...and my brother felt however he was maybe 11 or 12.
I dont know much about where Dusty originally was born or came from. All I know is that he was at my brothers house as a kitten. When my brother moved out...he took Dusty with him because he felt we would take better care of him than if he was left at that house with his former roomies. So we took him in and he made a great addition to the family. He was about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of our Mini Beagle and they got along great, playing with each other and the like...no issues at all with them together. He was a very nice cat...very homely and while on the shy side...he warmed up and came out of his shell a bit. He always slept alone and slept curled up *compared to my cat Cleo who sleeps in her back with legs spread wide open, lol*.
When we took him in...we brought him to the vet and gave him a bunch of shots and all because we don't think he ever went in before...and he needed them, along with the fact that he looked like crap.
Remember that day in MN aabout ten years or so ago when we broke a record for being minus 52 below? He was outside for that. Although that was before he came to our house. Until then..he roamed in and out...and then when he came to our house, he became strictly a house cat.
ALthough sometimes we would let him out on a leash tied to the steps so he could get some fresh air and the like. One time the leash got untied from the stairs and he wandered off. When I noticed...I looked around but couldnt find him. So I got our dog, put on his leash and told him to find Dusty. Now the thing here is that Snoopy my beagle has no hunting training....nothin...he knows how to sit and stay and....well thats about it. But when I told him to find Dusty....he pretty much made a straight beeline and found him...tangled up in some downed trees with the leash.
When I went home this past Christmas...I noticed he seemd skinnier...at least he seemed that way to me. I hardly saw him in the past few years and my cat Cleo is a horse at 13 pounds and almost as much fur.
Now that he is gone...I wonder how Snoopy is going to take it...if he will notice. My mom thinks not as Dusty hasnt been that active or personal lately. But I stil think he will notice and probably be lonely. Dusty and Snoopy...they provided each other company and I think that helps alot when my mom leaves the house or goes somewhere. Now he is all alone...and dusty has always been there.
Im gonna miss the lil furball.
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