lost, forgotten dreams?
Published on March 16, 2006 By Ziggystyles In Life Journals
This is a branch off of a thread I made about a month ago about extremely easy stuff that you cant do.

I thought about that thread and then thought about stuff that maybe people wanted to do at one time in their life, but havent, at least not yet.

For example...when I was younger, I wanted to be a radio DJ. I ended up getting a degree in broadcasting and I worked in all aspects of radio about 6 years back; had a blast and want to get back into it, or possibly voice stuff in the future.

I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger as well, but not anymore. I used to play flight programs like MS flight simulator all the time and Id have matchbox planes Id fly all over the house. The drive for that just isnt in me anymore.

Another thing I wanted to do was to drive truck. Not a dinky regular truck...but a Rig...18 wheeler. I still want to do this actually. I don't know why. I guess its because Im a kid at heart and a truck is like a big toy for me. When we moved from MN to Vegas, we took a 17 foot Uhaul truck and I had a blast driving that. Tried to get Marcie to try it...but she wimped out. On the way from Vegas to MN, we took a 26 foot Penske truck and I was smiling the entire way. I dont know why. Maybe it was the power of the truck, being in control of that much stuff behind me, the length of the truck and trailer behind it. I always think of doing that as a part time job...but driving truck isnt really something you can do as a part time thing. I still want to do it, but Im not sure how to go about it because I dont want to be gone all the time. Hmm.

Another thing I would like to do is become a principal. The more I think about it...the more confused I get. My principal in Vegas didnt seem that busy. I know he did stuff and had meetings and the like; but when I compare him to the principal at my high school up here....its totally different. The one up here is always busy, always. Heck, even the deans are always busy. If I wanted to talk to them, I need to make an appointment with them. Id like to be a principal, but I also want to teach for a while and get plenty of experience under my belt. I get frustrated when I see people go get a teaching degree, then a masters right away and go almost directly into administration. Part of being a good administrator is knowing where the teachers are coming from. By having very little experience, I dont think you get that insight. That is why I want to teach for a while so I know the frustrations teachers deal with, and so that I can see the good and bad of administrators and become the best I can be.

Is there something you have always wanted to do, but havent, yet?

on Mar 16, 2006
on Mar 16, 2006
There are lots of things I have wanted to do but haven't done yet. I would love to go on a ride in a hot air balloon. Travel. In the US I'd like to see the Grand Canyon and Niagra Falls, the everglades, the mountains in colorado even though they scare me a little bit. I would like to learn to speak several languages fluently, even be able to read in another language. I want to kiss Hugh Jackman on the lips. So many things. I think I wrote an entire blog about this sometime back.
on Mar 16, 2006
Go on a train ride, and also would love to fly, just once, to see Scotland,Wales, and Ireland.

Ride horseback one more time! preferably on the beach in Oregon, out at Neskowin I think it was.
on Mar 17, 2006
I really want to be a Lawyer, problem is you can't go to law school on-line, and you are prohibited from having an outside job while seeking a JD. ( it's a Bar requirement, I can only guess their reasoning)

On a lighter note, I'd love to be able to play guitar, speak spanish, and fly a plane ( yes, I read "A Pirate looks at Fifty" )

I want to quit working! Retirement has eluded me, and financially it's not feasible, that is until I win the new North Carolina education Lotery!!!
on Mar 17, 2006
Oh gosh, so many things, so little time! My list is way too long. That's my problem, I want too much!

I've always wanted to go touring in Europe, it's not too late of course but can't fit that in my budget right now. Although I have many friends and family all over the place staying somewhere would not be a problem!

When i was young I wanted to be an actress. I did drama in high school, wrote and directed plays and I was good too. I got distracted I guess.

I love to dance and even used to be in a dance group at one point and performed in many places. I would love to do ballroom dancing, just for fun.

I've always wanted to become a mentor for young girls. In a way I'm doing it with my own two girls and with anyone I meet. But it would be great to have a recreation place for them. I've always enjoyed working with children, I used to teach. Don't worry, boy's are welcome too!

That's it for me, I don't like doing the could haves, should haves, would haves that much. I try to live in the Now, and making the changes and doing that which matters. But it is nice to dream.
on Mar 17, 2006
I always wanted to be a radio personality. I had my shot and did my time. I think there is no job better on earth than me and my mic in a dimly lit studio, spinning vinyl. (yes vinyl) My very first show was a 6-12 slot on Saturday nights. That show was even the source of my nic on here just john.

I probably have far too many things to do before I die to list here, but I got to mark a couple off last night. When I was in College I used to love to go flying with my pilot friends. We would fly the tiny, single engine Cessna. They always had little or no luxury and cramped spaces that were really not meant for my 6+ foot frame. I always wanted to fly a nice luxury small aircraft. I got to do that last night. We flew a Pilatus PC12. It was a very nice ride and we had an excellent pilot. The other part was to fly in at night in a small aircraft. I only went up with friends on day flights and had never seen the runway light up on approach at night from the pilots viewpoint. It was a beautiful night for flying and the approach was everything I could ask for.

Maybe someday, after I make my millions (HA!), I’ll pick up flying as a hobby.
on Mar 17, 2006
Lots of interesting stuff.

to see Scotland,Wales, and Ireland

I went on a trip to Europe and when we hit the UK for a week, we went out to see Stonehenge. That was pretty neat. I like driving through the country side of the UK...seemed like taking a trip back in history or something. Would have been very interesting to see Ireland and Scotland.

I really want to be a Lawyer, problem is you can't go to law school on-line, and you are prohibited from having an outside job while seeking a JD.

Huh, didnt know that. I guess its one of those jobs that requires so much time studying and all that, that you...if you are doing it right, shouldnt have time for a job? Thats the only way it makes sense to me, if they look at it from that perspective. As a teacher, I had lots of studying and preparation; I myself didnt have a second job, but I knew others that did. Don't know how they did it.

I want to quit working! Retirement has eluded me, and financially it's not feasible,

Yeah I hear ya. Of course, im only 27, but right now...I dont have anything put into retirement so that has me worried. Im hoping to land a teaching job next year so I can get back into the game and start saving some $$ for retirement...if I make it that far, lol.

I've always wanted to become a mentor for young girls. In a way I'm doing it with my own two girls and with anyone I meet. But it would be great to have a recreation place for them. I've always enjoyed working with children, I used to teach. Don't worry, boy's are welcome too!

I think that is a good idea. I dont know if you are talking young as in teenage young or what...but I think teenage girls need a seperate place to hang out, just to get away from stuff, you know? Of course, I also think teenage guys need the same thing. A few years back, I helped a gal set up a webpage for a place she was starting as a refuge for pregnant teenage girls.

As far as the ballroom dancing, I think you would love it. My mom has been taking classes in line dancing...not quite the same as ballroom dancing obviously, but she met lots of people and has made quite a few friends as well.
on Mar 17, 2006
I always wanted to be a radio personality. I had my shot and did my time. I think there is no job better on earth than me and my mic in a dimly lit studio, spinning vinyl. (yes vinyl) My very first show was a 6-12 slot on Saturday nights. That show was even the source of my nic on here just john.

Same here. I worked at a station for about five years and had a blast. Started doing an early morning Saturday show. Ended up doing a specialty show on Saturday night, recording and programming the Sunday morning programs, programming 12 hours of each day, recording new music onto the computer...etc. I had a blast and miss it every day. Everyone I talk to says I have a voice for radio. Id like to get back into it...but starting off in radio is one of those things that requires an extra job or two on the side just to make it. I have a friend who works in the Twin Cities in radio and he says even DJs there dont make that good pay. Grr. So, Im thinking of looking into vocal acting for cartoons or movies...something like that. The problem is that I dont even have a clue where to start. Ive also been thinking of doing a non-biased political talk show type format (unlike the 95% of talk shows that are republican based), but that is another one of those things where I dont know where to start. Of course with that, I would need to probably start off at station and coerce the managment into giving me a short format show and then work my way up from there.
on Mar 17, 2006
If you want to get into voice overs and you have the voice for it, get an agent and schedule some recording time. There are alot of opportunities out there.

I keep pushing my wife to get into voice overs. She has such a 'tiny' voice that people call the house and ask to speak to her mommy.
on Mar 19, 2006
I grew up in the small world of Mississippi with nothing to try but sports. I always wanted to be a football player even though I took gymnastics for 10 yrs. I quit gymnastics to play football my first year of high school and hated the coach and never played on a team again. Now that Im twenty eight, some friends and I started our own flag football team. I also wanted to drive trucks, but my obsession was more like monster trucks.
on Mar 20, 2006
Before I say what I'd like to do I must comment on Ziggy's desire to be a Principal.I wasa Principal for twenty years and it really sucked.The common denominator was parents and more parents: they are demanding, self-riteous, over-bearing, petty, snobbish, over-critical and unappreciative. Some were great but most were a pain in the ass!

I have always wanted to be a car salesman so on a recent sabbatical in the UK I landed a PR job (part-time) at a Mitsubishi agency. I loved it but was appalled at the red tape and paperwork needed to complete a sale. My vision of a dream job turned sour but I did enjoy driving those cars!

I think, if I have to say what I really want to do most, is run a small plot with vegetable tunnels, fowls, ducks and geese and perhaps a sheep or two and a cow. That is my dream
on Mar 21, 2006
The common denominator was parents and more parents: they are demanding, self-riteous, over-bearing, petty, snobbish, over-critical and unappreciative. Some were great but most were a pain in the ass!

Yeah, I agree. Its sad really. Like you said, not all area like that, but many can be a pain if they don't get their way. I had a student last year that kicked, slapped, bit, punched...etc. Students had the marks to prove it. When I finally kicked her out of the room to the office for the second time, her parents came in and both went off on me. The dad started really yelling at me until I finally kicked him out of the room. Unfortunately, I wasnt allowed to tell him that the daycare his daughter goes to during the day...they WONT tell him if anything bad happens, because he is paying them a couple of hundred each week to watch over her. If he keeps getting complaints, he would have pulled her out.

Then I had parents that were part of a clique type group. They would meet and chat by the school fence before and after school and spread gossip around. Then if something popped up, they would go right past me to the principal.....grrr!

on Mar 22, 2006
I do agree that parents can be a pain also. I work for an aftercare program and the parents that we work with are pretty good, but there are a few that are a trip. But as a Christian I have the responsibilty to be a light to the children and the parents. I do take some heat for what I do, but I seem to always get some type of compliments from the parents. Even if I didnt, its a joy to suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ.
on Apr 22, 2006
Started riding a motorcycle in 1973, enjoyed it, gradually going to larger bikes until the Goldwing in the early eighties. Rode the eastern states to rallies mostly. Best ride was in Kentucky. Stopped riding in the nineties due to health reasons. But my dream was to ride all over Canada and the US in summer and return home to Ontario in the winter. While riding wanted to keep a journal and write about each day. At that time I was just discovering computers. Laptops were not invented, so I couldn't figure out how to take a computer with me.
Drove a 40 ft city bus for 28 years. Not a bad job, payed well, but opening the front door ruined the fun. It had its' moments, but happy to retire last October. Retirement doesn't take a lot of money, you just need to lower your needs.
Always wanted the chance to take more photographs. When driving, would see things I'd love to stop and make an image, but the customers would have gone apeshit. Now I can drive my car whenever the mood strikes me, to find those places again.
So I would say, do as much as you can now, because if you wait, you may not have the opportunity or your body may not be up to the challenge. Having a family will also limit what you can do.
Still might make that extended trip, but may have to do it in a Miata instead of an mc.