"sputter sputter, wheeze...cough cough"
Published on March 6, 2006 By Ziggystyles In Life Journals
Man this sucks.

I mean...Flanders...this suck-diddly-ucks.

Last Friday, in the afternoon...I started to feel a slower...I could tell I was getting a cold or something...wasnt sure exactly what it was. Marcie started to come down with the same thing. She ended up having a hard time sitting or laying down because her head hurt a lot when she tried to do that.

I ended up going to bed that night just feeling punky. I woke up early the next morning to go to Work at Wal Mart and I wasnt getting any better. I started to get a rather sore throat and my head was all fuzzy and I had a slight headache. I was just plain old sick.

Sunday morning...I slept in and ended up going to work that evening. I hardly did anything. I sat down for maybe 30 minutes during work just because my throat hurt so much. I sucked on cough drops that I had bought and used the day before. Those helped...but as soon as one was done...I had to pop another one in to keep the pain down somewhat. I ended up buying a small thing of Advil at the register and popped one of those, hoping to fight the pain. During the weekend and still...I've been coughing up some phlegmy phlegm...little yellow....brown....brown? WTF?

ANywho...I went to bed last night and ended up waking up in the middle of the night to cough up some more bundles of snot. Then somewhere between 4-6...I woke up....shivering. This wasn't just like a regular shiver....it was like....totally fucked up. My whole body was shaking and it would shake...stop for a second or two...shake again. Now...I was under a electric blanket and two comforters...so I definately wasnt cold, but I was shivering like I was having a freakin seizure. This went on for less than five minutes and I was able to fall back asleep again. Didnt think to check my temp.

I woke up and went to work...like any dumb man would do. My voice, just like on Sunday...was pretty raspy and almost gone. Throat didnt hurt anymore...so that was a plus...I figure.

When the person who comes in to give me my breaks, came in...I told her what was going on and she said I probably have a fever. I went home and yep...101.4.

I came home after school and went to bed after Marcie came home and slept for a while. Now that Im up....Im shivering again. I KNOW Im not cold...but it feels like I am. The freakin thermostat is set at 70, warmer than normal.

I dunno what I have...probably sinusitis again...gotta love that stuff. I took the day off tomorrow (hopefully..they ran short on subs today) and will go to Urgent care when I wake up in the morning. I just dont want to do that because I have no health insurance and Im pretty much broke. I know they will make payment plans for me...but still...thats one less bill I want to be responsible for and try to remember to pay every month.

Well it sounds like a common thing around here, lots of people at WM were sick this weekend and past week and it seems like the district has had to fill lots of spots from sick teachers.

Hmm...we will see what it is.

on Mar 06, 2006
Come onnnnnnn, bonus points!
on Mar 07, 2006
If you don't go to the doctor today, I will kill you with my bare hands.

And in your state, I can do it.
on Mar 07, 2006
bah! You just want to take advantage of my hot, feverish body! ROWR! *cough, cough, sneeze, gag, choke...cough.....coughsneezechockehiccupgagfart*
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.