WTF....why cant I do this? grr.
Published on March 3, 2006 By Ziggystyles In Life Journals
We do easy stuff all the breathing for example. Others take effort on our behalf and it almost always is something that is a non-thinking skill...coming from memorization and endless learning, practice and use. But...I betcha that some people have a hard time with one or two simple things that should be fairly simple to do.

I guess its one of those things that really torks me off...mainly because I don't know what is causing it. Its a really simple matter really. I can't write a 3, or a B. I dont know why.

Now, dont get me wrong...Im not dislexic or anything else like that. But...when I write the number hand freezes. I know how to write it as Ive made it plenty of times in the past...but when I make pretty much looks like a reveresed C. There is no inner bump in the middle.

Even if I start and write a number line....0, 1, 2, 3...I freeze up on the 3 every time.

Now, when a right handed person writes the 3, they start at a point...and then curve up and around, going down...and back in...sort of making a half circle. They then go around and down again and finish the number. I freeze at the top.

Now, dont get me wrong....Im not saying I can't write it....I just can't write it easily. I have to really concentrate and focus in order to write the number. Marcie says Im writing too fast...which is probably true...but I dont get stuck on any other letter or number. really pisses me off!

The same is true for the letter B. I write the backside fine...but when I write the 3 part...I freeze up.

What happens when I write the 3 and B is that when I curve around...I dont really make that....inner point that is required. My 3's look like reversed C's or 7's...and my B's look like D's.

One thing I have been doing lately is just...instead of making one continuous motion of the 3 or B...looping around and back...I make two quick half circles....sort of like how some people make the number 8. Works out pretty well and doesnt slow me down as much as my old ways. there something that is extremely routine and easy for others, but you struggle at?

on Mar 03, 2006
bump for bonus points
on Mar 03, 2006
As soon as I read the part about 3 and B I guessed you were left-handed. Us lefties have a slight problem when it comes to learning how to print from right-handed teachers. The way you describe it is exactly the problem.

I have no idea why it takes us so long to translate the body and direction relationships to what our minds tell us to print, but it seems to be a common problem for lefties. My guess is, when you write a b (in cursive) you have no directional problems or even hesitations.

My "easy to do, but I can't seem to" thing is the alphabet. If someone asked me what comes after "v", I would have to start somewhere before "v" (I started at "s" just now), and go through "v" to get to "w". What is really strange, if I used "s" as the example, I couldn't start at "s" to come up with "t" even though it seemed to work fine to come up with "w". ;~D

I'm not sure, but I think that is kind of common with abstract thinkers like me. Linear things throw me off a lot.
on Mar 03, 2006
I have tried to write Hebrew letters with my left hand, but I can't do it.

It freaks me out, because it a) would be very useful (as Hebrew is written from right to left) and I can play ping pong with my left hand and I usually drive a two-or-more-button mouse with my left hand with no problems.

I am constantly cought between considering to practive more and giving up thinking that I can never learn it. The problem is that I don't know whether I can learn it or not.

Now, as for other things I can't do that others have no problems with, let's not go there; it's too scary.

But a few minor things are:

I can't drive.
I can't program, I am too lazy.
I can't study.
I can't plan ahead.
I can't save.
And I read other people.
on Mar 03, 2006
1. I cannot thread a needle without extreme concentration
2. I cannot make the vulcan "V" with my right hand
3. I cannot whistle loudly, or at all using my fingers
4. I cannot hold a pool cue in the "proper" manner
5. same goes for a ping pong paddle
6. I cannot program a VCR
7. Chop sticks are virtually useless to me

My wife cannot roll or crease her tongue ( supposedly this is true for about 1 out of 10 people )
on Mar 03, 2006
I can't whistle at all or roll my tongue. I couldn't snap my fingers until I was in junior high school. I just never could get it to make that sound. I would rub my fingers. How lame is that?
on Mar 03, 2006
Oh and I can't point north for the life of me. I have absolutely no sense of direction.
on Mar 03, 2006
I cannot hear the name jane fonda or john kerry without cringing.
on Mar 03, 2006
Oh and I can't point north for the life of me. I have absolutely no sense of direction.

I can't either. When I was a paramedic they made fun of me because I had a compass with a suction cup that I moved from ambulance to ambulance. ;~D


I cannot hear the name jane fonda or john kerry without cringing.

Ziggy said "extremely easy things", it is near impossible to hear the names of traitor scum without cringing. ;~D
on Mar 03, 2006
I cannot:

1. Type on a keyboard with two fingers.I've been trying for years.
2. Remember Arabic phrases easily. I think it's my age. 7 years ago I learnt Portuguese with ease.
3. Give up smoking!
4. Listen to Liza Minelli. Makes me cringe!
5. Drive in Cairo even though I'm a good driver.
6. Master my cellphone. I grew up with landlines!
on Mar 03, 2006

1. Type on a keyboard with two fingers.I've been trying for years.


2. Remember Arabic phrases easily. I think it's my age. 7 years ago I learnt Portuguese with ease.

I can't remember Arabic phrases either.

3. Give up smoking!

I never did smoke. That means you are close to giving it up than I am!

4. Listen to Liza Minelli. Makes me cringe!


5. Drive in Cairo even though I'm a good driver.

I can't drive.

6. Master my cellphone. I grew up with landlines!

Hear, hear! I can master my mobile, but I still don't know what most of its features are good for.
on Mar 03, 2006
I can't do time. No sense of time whatsoever. I can easily remember WHAT happened, I just sometimes have trouble with WHEN it happened. Was it last week? Or was it two months ago?

I have the same problem with my age. If someone asks me how old I am, I have to do the math, I can never remember. I just don't do time well.
on Mar 03, 2006
4. Listen to Liza Minelli. Makes me cringe!

Again, he said what extremely easy thing can't you do. I wouldn't call listening to Liza Minelli "easy".
on Mar 03, 2006
What interesting lists you all have. I won't bore you with all of mine but I am dyslexic. So writing for me is a real chore. 5's, 7's, 9's, 2's and too many letters to list all take a large amount of concentration.

What gets to me most though isn't the simple things I can't do, it's the amazing things I can while still having to concentrate like the dickens on the easy stuff. Verbally I can recite numbers all the way down to my phone number when I was 3 (30 years ago). Who knows their (there is one of my worst ones - I have to go back and correct their from thier every time ... every time) SSN at 15. I did. I saw it once never looked at the card again. I generally suck at math on paper but I can do amazing things in my head, just don't ask me to explain how I come up with the answer. You might as well have handed me a piece of paper.

Oh and I can only hunt and peck type (I took my first computer course at 6 – typing wasn’t what they were teaching). I flunked typing in High School and College. I just can’t do it. I’m pretty fast though, 50 wpm unless there is a their in there.
on Mar 05, 2006
Hmm, I thought I replied to this the other day....didnt show up....GRR.

My "easy to do, but I can't seem to" thing is the alphabet. If someone asked me what comes after "v", I would have to start somewhere before "v" (I started at "s" just now), and go through "v" to get to "w". What is really strange, if I used "s" as the example, I couldn't start at "s" to come up with "t" even though it seemed to work fine to come up with "w".

I think this is more common than you think. When we memorize...we memorize in chunks. For example....we dont know the ABC song as "ABCDEFGHI...."....but we memorize and sing it as "ABCD EF G HIJK LMNOP QRS TUV WX Y Z". So...if we have to think of a letter in the alphabet....we have to go to the chunk before it. Everything we memorize is in Chunks....our SSN (555-55-555), our telephone (555-555-5555), our Drivers license number (it is hard...but mine for example was G555-555-555-555), our address (123 Bob Street, Fairytown, MN)..etc.

1. Type on a keyboard with two fingers.I've been trying for years.

That is weird, usually people start off that way, so they can go back to it if they need to. I can type pretty good with either single hand.

on Mar 05, 2006
OOPs. Need to clarify. Cannot type on a keyboard with two fingers OR two hands. Can only use one (index), finger. Sorry, that's how retarded I am.