WTF....why cant I do this? grr.
We do easy stuff all the breathing for example. Others take effort on our behalf and it almost always is something that is a non-thinking skill...coming from memorization and endless learning, practice and use. But...I betcha that some people have a hard time with one or two simple things that should be fairly simple to do.
I guess its one of those things that really torks me off...mainly because I don't know what is causing it. Its a really simple matter really. I can't write a 3, or a B. I dont know why.
Now, dont get me wrong...Im not dislexic or anything else like that. But...when I write the number hand freezes. I know how to write it as Ive made it plenty of times in the past...but when I make pretty much looks like a reveresed C. There is no inner bump in the middle.
Even if I start and write a number line....0, 1, 2, 3...I freeze up on the 3 every time.
Now, when a right handed person writes the 3, they start at a point...and then curve up and around, going down...and back in...sort of making a half circle. They then go around and down again and finish the number. I freeze at the top.
Now, dont get me wrong....Im not saying I can't write it....I just can't write it easily. I have to really concentrate and focus in order to write the number. Marcie says Im writing too fast...which is probably true...but I dont get stuck on any other letter or number. really pisses me off!
The same is true for the letter B. I write the backside fine...but when I write the 3 part...I freeze up.
What happens when I write the 3 and B is that when I curve around...I dont really make that....inner point that is required. My 3's look like reversed C's or 7's...and my B's look like D's.
One thing I have been doing lately is just...instead of making one continuous motion of the 3 or B...looping around and back...I make two quick half circles....sort of like how some people make the number 8. Works out pretty well and doesnt slow me down as much as my old ways. there something that is extremely routine and easy for others, but you struggle at?