Why not let the kids decide what they want to learn?
This just occured to me out of nowhere tonight. I Havent paid too close attention to the blogs to notice if there has been any recent debate into this as far as creation vs evolution. But I had an idea...maybe its been said before too, not sure.
Why not let the kids, those who are being taught, choose what they want to learn?
This may sound silly, but I remember back a month or so ago, reading about a district where the super / principal had students take part in the interview process for the potential teachers. He wanted the students to be more in control of what they recieve in their education.
So tonight, I just had the idea...why cant the students themselves decide what they get to learn? Why cant they decide their education? All we hear is the parents saying this or that and the argument will go on and on forever.
The current issue is the debate over including the topic of creationism in schools. People are fighting tooth and nail. I can see both sides. Personally, I feel that science should teach the current major theories of how the world came into existance...not just one theory.
So...here are my ideas, and Ive spent a grand total of like...five minutes on them so bare with me. I think they should vote. They should be given a fair representation of BOTH sides of the issue along with rebuttals so they can make informed decisions. I also think that this should only apply to high schoolers as they are becoming adults and need to be able to get used to the experience of making informed decisions...etc.
1.) Vote as a student body for what is going to be taught. The overall side with most percentage points...wins. This can be done every year.
2.) Have a couple of different class options for the students to take for them to fulfill the science part of their program. One option could be just being taught the current regular way...evolution. Another class would include the MAJOR theories of how the world came to be. The classes should fulfull the same standards...workload...etc should be the same, only the material presented is different.
High Schoolers want to be independent and I think they should have the right to choose what they learn. They should be taught what they need to know....but at the same time...instead of their parents deciding for them...I think they should have the right to chose themselves what they learn.
I believe by doing this, they will gain a sense of pride about themselves...getting an education they want. They will be more active because they are part of it and will learn more because of that. They realize that they took control of their education...they chose what they wanted to learn.
What do you think?
I dont want to get this into a flame thread so please dont post replies saying why creationism or evolution should or should not be taught because that is not the main point of my article.