Sunday is one of my days off (as well as Monday) and really is the only day Marcie and I get to spend together. This morning we decided to go out and just get out of the apartment and putz around.
We went to a local restaurant that she has been to previously, but I havent, to get some breakfast. I got some homemade chicken fried steak and eggs and lemme tell ya, it was a lot of steak. Or whatever they make it with...hamburger or whatever. It was interesting to say the least, not like the regular chicken fried teak youd get in a dennys or whatever that all tastes the same. I liked it at first...then as the steak went on, I changed my mind, lol.
We then came back to town and went over to the local events center where alocal dealership (GM) was having a sale. They had a good number of cars and trucks out as well as a good selection of camper trailers. I wasn't really planning on buying anything, nor did I want to as...well Id like not to make another dumb financial decision this year if possible. Unfortunately a pesky saleswoman ran the gauntlet of 20 quetsions with us and before I knew it, we are running our credit and Im giving Marcie the evil eye. This lady is pulling all sorts of crap out of her ass about selling us a car and guaranteeing its the lowest price, while at the same time, reminding us this is the last day of their sale. I don't want to be rushed and tell her if anything Id have to do my own research to really see if that is true. Her word basically reminds me of Tommy Boy "I can giv eyou a guranteed box of shit if youd like" I told her upfront our credit sucked as we were behind on bills from my unemployment and even though we are catching up, its going to be low. Still she persisted.
I even laid out the ground rules which were fairly simple to pretty much layeth the smacketh down on her and not let her run the show. Payments need to be the same, fuel mielage needs to be better, vehicle needs to pull more than a half ton. If that wasn't possible, then no. She even tried to get us to go up a little bit in our payments and I told her no. If anything, I want the same or LESS of a payment. Plus, take our current car in for an even trade.
Well she ran the numbers and the next part of the conversation lasted for about a minute as she didn't want to spend any time with us at all. She even told me to sell my bike so I could buy a new car...I tried not to laugh at her. My saying pretty much "I told you so" didnt seem to work for her. no connection made. As I grow older, I come to hate salespeople as it is their job to sell something and if they have to, they will push, prod, lie, cheat, whatever they can to sell that car and that is exactly what she was doing and the sad part is that I got that impression from her within 5 seconds of talking to her.
One thing Im learning as time goes on is that Debt is dumb (as Dave Ramsey says). Its stupid in so many ways. I don't want to buy another car (or anything for that matter) on credit. Just save up and pay with cash. grr.
Lately Ive become obsessed with budgeting. I got quicken but Im having troubles with it and its ability to connect to the bank. I have two other excel budgets on my computer and a third paper version that Im making so I can figure out how to spread out our money. One of the things Im working with is that we have about three bills on the first that basically take up both of our paychecks on the first of the month...then we are stuck until I get paid the next friday. Im trying tofigure out how to spread the $$ out a bit better, or if possible, change the due dates on some of our bills.
We want your money money money money money....