So here is our engagement picture. We took lots of different ones. We really liked our photographer, but their prices were fairly high. We both wanted to get pictures and all, but there was no way we could afford what we wanted so we just bought some of the smaller pics and hopefully that will work.

Like I said, we took lots of different poses (poses? that just doesnt look right). Some were really nice, and some just looked silly because we couldnt help but laugh. Like one...we were both facing each other and looking at her ring and the trick was that we were both supposed to be ooohing and aawing over her ring, but you could tell in the pic we were cracking up.

This is the pic we overall decided on. I had a hard time settling because I hate how I get photographed. Im not a fan of pics as it is, and when I doesnt even look like Im smiling that much. Along with that, when I smile, the only part of my face that does the smiling is the right side. The left side says "I ain't doin no smilin...Im from the east side of your face...biatch!"

The pic itself is flawless but the scanner has lint and all that junk on it so that is why the pic has gunk on it.

Anywho...lets see if the pic shows up here on the forums. Not really sure how the forums work.

on May 12, 2006
show me the points!
on May 12, 2006

I made you a web friendly version:

on May 12, 2006
Great picture, that answers my question in my article. I should be ahsmed that I have been with my wife for 8 years and we have yet to take a family portrait. Guess because money is short and I would like a nice one, I promiss to do one this year.
on May 12, 2006
Thanks Karma for the smaller version...didnt think to resize it...normally I do that.

LW, Thanks! June 24th...a little more than a month away and we arent Im wondering what we are doing wrong, lol. WHich reminds me...Marcie left this weekend to go back home and she is going to talk to our caterer...which is interesting since we havent talked about what we want for the reception.